In this week’s blog, Tom Panos looks at who we are, not just as real estate agents, but as people:

We all get caught up in our stories. 

Most of us think we are our stories. The problem is that when these stories take on a life of their own and that life isn’t the one we want.

That’s when things start to suck.

Are you happy with the story you are living now?

Who wrote it?

Did you create it or was it simply shaped by your parents, friends, society, or even the media?

The story you’re living in right now is only a chapter. 

You can write the next chapter of your story. 


When there is a clear purpose, and you have a clear WHY, the WHAT and the HOW how show up. 

You can literally sit down and write it if you want to shift from just being an actor and start being the screenwriter and director of your story.

Everything begins with a decision.

Today, I would like you to start thinking about the life you want to create.

No, this is not a script. 

No, this is not a dialogue.

No, this is not a prospecting technique.

It’s far more important than any of those things because when there is a clear purpose, and you have a clear why, the what and how show up. 

Make passion your paycheck.

About Tom Panos

Real estate coach and trainer Tom Panos teaches agents how to attract business and not just chase it. He is regarded as one of Australia’s leading coaches on helping real estate people become 7 figure agents. He has trained hundreds of agents via his online coaching programs: “9 weeks to your best real estate year ever” and “Kick Start”.  Find out more about Tom here.

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