The first quarter of the year has passed. How is it working out? Are you in flow?

Perhaps start by being totally proactive in the mornings . You see you can get 90 percent or more of your work done in the morning its called the Profit Zone!

How do you do this? Here some tips to make your mornings totally productive: 

First, I’m defining work as stuff that you do, important stuff. Ideally, meetings can be shoved out of the picture. 

Second, this approach is built on the Pareto principle. The Pareto principle states that 80 percent of your results come from 20 percent of your efforts. Getting your work done in the morning means that you can take a leaner approach to the important tasks–a smart approach.

1. Schedule your day the night before.
Every day, you should list all your tasks and when you’re going to do them the following day. You will not be productive unless you plan out everything you’re going to do the next morning.

Quick tip: Don’t schedule too much. Keep it simple such as going to smash 30 calls (old OFI books or past clients).

2. Clean your office the night before.
Clutter in your office creates distractions. A sticky note on your desk that says “Call Bob ASAP!” can throw off your whole day.

Showing up to work in a spic-and-span environment helps you to think clearer and work harder.

3. Wake up at an ungodly hour.
To really get stuff done, you’ve got to get up in time to make it happen.

I recommend anytime from 5:30 to 6:30 a.m. If your morning routine takes a little longer, bump your wake-up time back a little more.

Obviously, you’ll need to adjust your bedtime accordingly.

4. Exercise.
Scientific evidence shows that morning exercise can make us think better, work better, and become more productive.

I read a book from Harvard’s John Ratey – Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain. He writes that exercise is essential for reaching “high-performance levels in intellectually demanding jobs.” Ps. Real Estate

A quick run or 30-minute yoga session in the morning can prepare you for a powerful session of getting stuff done.

5. Stick to your schedule.
Don’t let yourself get off the course that you’ve mapped out. You have a limited amount of time. Don’t ruin the schedule.

Take your schedule, allow it guide you, and you’ll be able to accomplish more.

6. Give yourself 20 minutes to reach flow.
Flow is when you’re in the zone. This happens when you are completely absorbed in your activity, single mindedly accomplishing things at a high level and rapid pace.

It takes some time to reach flow, so if you don’t feel productive or engaged in your work, just give it some time.

You see you can get 90 percent or more of your work done in the morning its called the Profit Zone!

7. Make 60-second decisions.
Decision making is a time-draining vortex. When you’re faced with a decision in the course of your work, give yourself a one-minute limit. Your decision will be just as good, but it will take less time.

8. Wear telephone headsets.
Headsets can shut out distractions and keep you focused. Harvard Business Review advises workers wear headsets to be more productive.

9. Do the toughest tasks first.
Mark Twain wrote, “If you eat a frog first thing in the morning that will probably be the worst thing you do all day.” Brian Tracy turned this statement into an entire principal and even wrote a book on it Eat that frog!.

If you get your biggest and ugliest task done first, the rest of the day will be massively productive.

10. Do your writing early on.
Writing is one of the most mentally demanding tasks. However, writing also has the power of focusing your brain and improving your productivity. Do you writing early in the day, and you’ll improve both the quality

11. Don’t check your email first thing.
The electronic communication pipeline can be as destructive as meetings. Sure, you need to deal with email. It’s important, but don’t let it swallow your day by starting out with it.

12. Stick to a routine.
If you do something repeatedly, you’ll be able to do it better and faster each time. Once you find a routine, stick with it. Your routine is the ramp to your productivity.

13. Make yourself comfortable.
Do whatever you need to do to position yourself for success. If that means showering, shaving, eating breakfast, journaling, meditating, feeding the dog, opening the blinds then do it. When you accomplish these preparatory tasks, you are creating an environment that will make you more productive.

14. Reward yourself at a certain time.
Set the clock – a countdown timer if you have to. At a certain point, you’re going to stop. So, stop.

It’s time to reward yourself. For example, lunch time workout. On the other hand if you don’t follow through you don’t workout ☹.

Apply and get more done! For those of us who possess unstoppable energy and an internal drive to get even more done, we don’t have to quit in the mornings. If work makes you happy and fulfilled, keep going.

Getting 90 percent of your work done in the morning just means that you might get more than 100 percent of your work done every day.

Finally, as your reach the state of flow guess what?? Leads and listings begin to flow in your business.

Crush the mornings and you will have your best year ever!


About Claudio Encina

Claudio Encina is a highly regarded Australian real estate coach, speaker, mentor and trainer. With more than 20 years industry experience, including almost a decade as a leading agent in Sydney, Claudio is driven by his passion for helping clients implement proven sales techniques, systems, strategies and skills to increase their productivity and profitability in all market conditions.

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