Real Estate Agent, Bryan Gamarra from One Agency Gammarra & Co. in North Canberra, ACT, joined One Agency in June 2015.
He’s been in real estate for almost nine years.
“I heard about One Agency through a buddy of mine during a business dinner we had as we were discussing the possibility to open our own real estate business. What attracted me to One Agency was the simple, no fuss and inexpensive business model,” says Bryan.
It was important to him to keep his rental leads and grow a dynamic rental portfolio. He also liked that he could work his choice of hours and not have to work a typical 9-5.
“I really enjoy helping people. The feeling I get when I give back to the community is what drives me as a real estate agent.”
The set up process into his new business was simple and straightforward and head office helped with their responsive support. Plus the other local members in Canberra offered their time and expertise.

The funny thing is you already run your own gig anyway and don’t even realise, and as a result you are giving up 40- 50%. For what? A receptionist? Please! You’ll never look back that’s for sure.
“The decision to go out on my own wasn’t difficult. Either you want to write out your own cheque’s or you’re happy to have someone write them out for you,” he says, “It was a no brainer for me.”
Bryan did consider going out as an independent but he couldn’t justify reinventing the wheel if it already existed, something we hear regularly from our members.
We also hear how much easier it is to face the unknown once you’ve actually taken the step to business ownership.
“As Paul Davies quotes in his book ‘How To Profit In Real Estate Business‘, fear is: False Evidence Appearing Real. So if you feel fearful to embark on opening your own enterprise (and practically all agents do) then it may be productive to identify what the specific items are that make you feel that way,” says Bryan. “It’s a must read for all real estate agents.”
The brand has been working well for Bryan and he’s happy to have the freedom to run his business his own way without constraint from head office.
“The experience of starting up by myself without a brand behind me would have been very different, and I’m glad I didn’t choose that path. The One Agency business model is really the way of the future.”
What advice would Bryan offer to agents considering starting up for themselves?
“Don’t sit on the fence thinking about ‘how’, the ‘how’ just happens, reach out and call someone to understand the in’s and out’s of the model. Before you know it you’ll be running you own show. The funny thing is you already run your own gig anyway and don’t even realise, and as a result you are giving up 40- 50%. For what? A receptionist? Please! You’ll never look back that’s for sure.”
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At One Agency we are always open for a conversation, so if you have anything to say in response or have any questions, please contact us.
T 1300 79 23 88