Are you a real estate agent and feeling undervalued or uncertain with your job security in your role with your current employer?
Or are you a real estate business owner who is swamped by massive overheads that are eating into your profits?
I meet a lot of agents and business owners who are disenchanted with the actual profit they get to take home at the end of each working week. Many established agents bring great financial reward to their employers putting in hard graft only to see a big chunk of their commissions going towards funding the bosses European holidays or luxury cars.
Dealing with the inequities on the sales room floor is why so many (and often very talented agents) burn out and leave the profession. There can often be internal politics, fighting for listings, losing hard worked territories after re-structures or simply being overlooked and undervalued with the goal posts constantly moving.
As an agent you may think you’re secure but you’re completely at the mercy of the business owner. But that’s no fault of the business owner, I’ve been both and employee and an owner and I’ve made some obvious mistakes along the way. So I’m not pointing any fingers here. It’s just the way the real estate business is set up.

Most importantly there is no paying of your commission to a franchise operation or to your Principal. You are your own boss!
If you’re a business owner, you’re probably rolling your eyes to the heavens and thinking ‘if only I had the profit for buying luxury cars and holidays!’ I’ve been a franchise business owner and know that the expenses run 24/7 – when you’re sleeping the cost keeps on ticking over.
Whether you’re an agent working for an employer, or a business owner employing agents, there is a better solution.
The idea for One Agency came up when I was setting up my own boutique real estate agency. I knew from previous experience that a small business was economical to run and didn’t require a massive income to be profitable.
My biggest problem was in needing to compete against the other major players – this is where I noticed the shortcomings of establishing your own brand and your own business. In short, I was lacking in image. I needed a bigger, better brand to set myself up as an island in a sea of agents and I had to overcome the barriers to going it alone.
One Agency is a simple licensing arrangement, not a franchise operation. Licensees operate their own independent businesses with little regulation or control by the licensor.
The model is ideal for successful agents currently working for a Principal who want to go it alone. It is also a perfect cost-effective alternative for independent businesses looking for a sharp new brand or for franchise business owners looking for relief from the restrictive and costly franchise system.
Most importantly there is no paying of your commission to a franchise operation or to your Principal. You are your own boss!
By utilising smart operating costs and the support of a real estate brand, as your business grows, so does the percentage of profit that goes into your pocket.
At One Agency we are always open for a conversation, so if you have anything to say in response or have any questions, please contact us.
T 1300 79 23 88
T +61 2 8039 2110 (International)