Lindy Harris was naturally concerned and nervous of the journey ahead when this mother-of-two opened her One Agency real estate business in Singleton, a small country town in the Hunter Valley, NSW in 2012.

Six years on and she’s riding high after being selected as a finalist for Sales Agent of the Year – Regional category in the 2018 REB Awards last week, and speaking in front of more than 4,000 participants attending AREC on the Gold Coast in Queensland in May.

Ms.Harris recounted her focus on personal communication with her clients, engagement with the community and an absolute dedication to service with a difference. Her presentation was extremely well received.

“I’m very client oriented, working on the process and putting them first, rather than just focusing on the outcome,” she says. “AREC forced me to face my fear of speaking in public and I couldn’t have done it without the amazing team I have around me, in fact my nomination for the REB award is also underpinned by their support. It has been a lot of hard work but I feel very blessed.”

Ms Harris has many other accolades including Agent Insiders top female agent in NSW for 2017, and a string of local business awards.

“It’s been a long but very rewarding journey since I took that initial leap of faith in 2012, I had worked in the industry for more than a decade at that point and I figured that I might as well be doing it for myself, I’d always thought that I would open my own real estate business one day and I wanted to do it my own way.”

Within the first six months we went from filling those first nine to having 74 listings.

“Everyone thought I was crazy but I felt that it was now or never, and rather than starting alone from scratch as an independent, I made a choice to join One Agency and leased a small office in Singleton. My main goal was to fill the street window with nine listings,” she says. “Within the first six months we went from filling those first nine to having 74 listings.”

The One Agency license provided the support network and business model to allow Lindy to focus on the business of listing and selling, which paid off fast, to hit her initial goal and then some.

Now, the business averages 23 sales, 17 listings and 74 vendors a month.

She believes it’s important to interact with both vendors and buyers to forge long lasting relationships with clients and does a lot of face-to-face meetings with her clients.

“Whether you’re regional or city based though you can still interact face-to-face. I like to write everything down and we spend a couple of hours a week calling our buyers,” she said. “They love that personal touch.”

Ms.Harris and her team also find the time to give back to their community. It had been a gamble for her opening the business during a mining downturn, which makes up a large part of the market in the Hunter.

“I wanted to give back to the community which has given back to me,” she said. “Because I believe it’s not about the dollars or throwing money around, it’s about being seen and being real and making a difference.”

Contact One Agency Lindy Harris:

T   (02) 6572 1447
E   [email protected]


At One Agency we are always open for a conversation and very happy to help if you have any questions, obligation free and in complete confidence, so please contact us. 

T  1300 79 23 88 (Australia)
 +61 2 8039 2110 (International)

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