Running a franchise real estate business can be costly, but it’s almost impossible, as a new independent agency, to compete with the big franchises in the local marketplace. We’d go so far as to say franchise models are outdated.
Buying into established franchise models is an obvious way to get set up, but it’s both constraining and expensive.
Typically, if you run a franchise business, you are faced with brand restrictions and high costs. You’ll have to pay a percentage of your income to the franchise and they usually work on a penalty system. The more you make, the more you pay with multiple fees involved.
There’s on-going reporting, operating parameters and expensive shop-front leases plus fit outs to be paid for. You must keep your expenses well under the expected income you can generate to have a profitable and sustainable business.

Earn as much as possible. Win listings with our ready-to-go striking national brand, marketing tools and know-how.
“The traditional franchise models are not keeping up with the advances that we have seen in the real estate industry,” says Paul Davies, Founder and CEO of One Agency. “Most people are searching for property online, they’re not looking in shop windows to find their next home.”
“An average shop-front business across Australia retains about 15c in the dollar after all expenses are paid. This is considered within our industry as normal, however, I think it’s abnormal and outrageous to spend 85c to keep only 15c in every dollar,” he says. “This is also a very risky business! If you were to have either a drop in income, or an increase in costs, or both, the 15c profit margin very quickly disappears and that’s why you see so many businesses close down.”
Paul has helped hundreds of real estate agents to overcome the fear of business ownership, and has set up multiple successful and profitable businesses. He believes that One Agency is unique in Australia, if not the world, in that it delivers the highest return on effort possible. It is a simple licensing arrangement, not a franchise operation. Licensees operate their own independent businesses with little regulation or control by the licensor. At One Agency we have a simple two-step approach:
A – Earn as much as possible. Win listings with our ready-to-go striking national brand, marketing tools and know-how.
B – Reduced operating costs. Follow our lead and we will show you how, with a surprisingly low set monthly fee, no reporting and the ability to operate your own business in your own way.
The model is ideal for successful agents currently working for a principal who want to go it alone. It is also a perfect cost-effective alternative for independent businesses looking for a sharp new brand or for franchise business owners looking for relief from the restrictive and out dated franchise system. Most importantly there is no paying of your commission to a franchise operation or to your principal. You are your own boss!
Watch member testimonials here.
At One Agency we are always open for a conversation, so if you have anything to say in response or have any questions, please contact us.
T 1300 79 23 88
T +61 2 8039 2110 (International)