Tag Archives: finance

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Group boss tells agents how to prepare for changes in 2022

The founder and CEO of One Agency has warned real estate professionals to start preparing for a very different and possibly slower market in 2022.

Paul Davies’ forecast, based on numerous indicators, price growth may slow in 2022. Traditionally, first in the capital cities and then the regions, and that days on market, accordingly, would increase. As a result, agents and principals will have to manage an environment with less turnover.

Mr Davies gave five reasons why he expected a slowdown in 2022.

“More stock is reportedly already coming onto the market. That means buyers can be more discerning and won’t have the same fear of missing out (FOMO) they experienced throughout 2021,” he said.

“Finance will become harder to get and more expensive. APRA tightened lending criteria in late 2021 and might do more tightening in 2022. Meanwhile, interest rates are likely to drift higher, continuing a trend that started in late 2021”.

“At the same time, there will be more talk about the Reserve Bank increasing the cash rate. That will be enough to dampen buyer confidence – even if the rate rise fails to occur.”

Mr Davies said the 2022 federal election would also negatively affect the market.

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned during my half-century in real estate, it’s that a lot of buyers suspend their decision-making before and after an election, as they wait to see how things will play out,” he said.

first home buyers

First Home Buyers – A Guide To Co-ownership With Family

You don’t often hear the words ‘bank’ and ‘love’ in the same sentence, but there’s one bank first home buyers can’t help but love.

That’s because the bank already knows them intimately, cares deeply about their financial future, and has a history of giving more than taking.

Don’t believe me? It’s also a bank they already know well, and probably trust more than any other bank in the world. In fact, they’re already a client whether they like it or not, because they’ve been tapping it for credit time and time again since the day they were born.

That’s right. I’m talking about the Bank of Mum and Dad.

Parents Pty Ltd
Parents obviously want to help their kids break into the property market if they can. Not just because they’re sick of them being at home well into their 20’s or 30’s, but because they see good money wasted on rent that could be put to better financial use in an owned property.

With high prices making it difficult for first homebuyers to get a foothold, it’s true they need all the help they can get. And it may just be that co-ownership – as opposed to a guarantor arrangement – could help home buyers set their families up for the future and allow parents to leave a legacy.

Co-ownership in Australia is usually structured as a tenants-in-common arrangement, where ownership is divided to an agreed share. This enables both parents and first homebuyers to pass on their share of the property to whoever they wish if they die, by naming them in a will.

So how do you ensure co-ownership doesn’t turn from familial love into hate?