Tag Archives: Gary Pittard

News from One Agency Real Estate Group

One Agency News from Head Office – May 2014

In One Agency News for May 2014, we’re pleased to announce the details of our next One Agency conference. Are you planning on coming along?

It’s a great way to connect with our growing family of members and find your voice in our growing brand.

This time we’re hosting it in Queensland and extending it from a one day event to a two day extravaganza!

Keynote speakers will include Gary Pittard from the Pittard Training Group and industry marketing authority Tom Panos. Tom is the Real Estate Advertising Director for News Ltd and is one of Sydney’s leading real estate auctioneers. 

Tom is regarded as Australia’s premier authority on Real Estate marketing and considered by his peers and Australia’s leading real estate agents as the No. 1 educator and thought leader in his field. We are excited to have enticed him back to us for this event.