Tag Archives: real estate agency

One Agency Group Blog Country Strong Coomas Craig Schofield Banner

Country strong for One Agency Cooma’s Craig Schofield

Craig Schofield has always had a passion for property and his local area. Based in Cooma, near the NSW Snowy Mountains, he began his career as a painter before joining the local council.

Close to fifteen years ago, an offer to join a real estate business was too good to refuse. After spending over a decade as an employee, he launched One Agency Cooma real estate agency three years ago.

Since then, Craig has built his reputation within the close-knit local community. He has firm connections and is always meeting new people across age brackets.

To ensure success, this busy real estate agent has built a strategy around being honest and upfront. This keeps clients coming back.

Lease Renting Contract Residential Tenant Concept

How property management can be your key to success

While you might find that the biggest paydays come from selling homes, these can be few and far between. However, your bills don’t stop just because you’re going through a quiet period and that’s often the reason that real estate agents have to give up their dreams.

Adding property management into your mix can be the step you need to take to secure your cash flow – and your future.

Some real estate agents turn up their noses at the idea of property management ‒ they see it as a small income that takes up time they could be spending on marketing a property for sale.

Why The Best Real Estate Systems Today Are In The Cloud

Why the best real estate systems today are in the cloud

More than 80 per cent of successful agents run their real estate business from the cloud. At One Agency we’re big believers in the virtues of the cloud and the cost savings cloud computing has brought to real estate business over the last decade.

Today, we look at the benefits of moving your real estate technologies and services to the cloud.