Tag Archives: Real estate management styles; creating trust with your real estate team

Discovering The Real Estate Business That Works Best For You

Discovering the real estate business that works best for you

Many elements go into the day-to-day running of a real estate office and, just like any business, there are many ways in which it can function. It comes down to understanding what works best for you and your team while achieving the results you’re looking for.

What is your management style?

In my observations, successful leaders focus on three key areas:  

  1. Communicating vision and goals
  2. Engendering trust
  3. Upskilling team members

When team members understand the company vision, they’ll be more likely to champion the journey. Trust is also a big one for most people ‒ as it equates to respect. Everyone wants to be respected. And third, developing your team’s skills will only enhance your business offerings, as well as keep individuals satisfied in their work. 

While there might be a collective set of requirements in order to have a well-functioning operation, there are many ways in which managers approach those three elements. This was evident to me during a recent trip to Melbourne where I met with different One Agency members.